Meat mincers are used to grind down large cuts of meat, making it easier and more efficient to process. These machines can also be used for filling sausage casings and salami casings with the addition of a filling funnel.
They can be large or small, manual or automatic. Our food grade cast iron manual units size #8 and #20,are from Spain and are robust units with the possibility to add extra mincing plates and funnels for filling both large and small casings. They are very manageable and easy to move from place to place as they are bench mounted.
Our stainless steel manual modelcomes from Italy and is part of our collection from the well known brand Tre Spade. The model is well made and compact and #8 in size. This unit is also bench mounted and extra mincing plates and funnels are also available for mincing fine to coarse mince and to fill various size casings.
The electric Tre Spade models are superbly made units. They are free standing and require little to no maintenance. They come in 3 sizes, #8, #22, #32, in a cast iron attachment or a deluxe stainless steel model. The motors are powerful and made for their specific purpose. Tre Spade have been making quality food equipment for decades and are well known for being leaders in the industry.
Sausage Fillers
Sausage fillers or as some call them, sausage stuffers, are used to make filling your casings, quick and easy. They can be used for making fresh and cured sausages like salami. Different machine types come with varying features, so take your time to look at which model will work best for you.
Our own range of sausage fillers have been made for over 12 years and are used in our classes. They save you a lot of time in processing and cleaning as they efficiently and smoothly fill your chosen casings and are very easy to assemble and disassemble for cleaning. They come complete with 4 different size filling funnels and spare parts are available.
Our Tre Spade range is also a great option. Starting with the Minnie unit, this is a small popular model perfect for small batches and takes up little space. Made with great attention to detail and features a variety of funnels, these sausage fillers tick all the boxes, especially if you are just starting out and want a reliable, affordable sausage filler that is easy to use.
This handy compact sausage making machine comes from one of the world’s leading producers of food processing equipment. This unit is constructed from galvanised iron and comes with a standard...
This handy manual compact sausage making machine comes from one of the world’s leading producers of food processing equipment. This unit is constructed from galvanised iron food grade and comes...
Mincing knives are used in conjunction with a mincing plate to grind your fresh cuts of meat into minced meat, ready for fresh and cured sausage making. This particular self...
Mincing plates are used to grind your fresh cuts of meat into minced meat, ready for fresh and cured sausage making. The hole size on each plate represents the grade...
Mincing plates are used to grind your fresh cuts of meat into minced meat, ready for fresh and cured sausage making. The hole size on each plate represents the grade...
Sausage funnels are used to make filling your fresh sausage and salami casings easy and efficient. These funnels are made from a high quality food grade plastic, the benefit being...
This sausage filling machine comes from one of the world renowned Italian equipment manufactures, Tre Spade. It is a compact size filler, ideal for those wanting to produce small quantities...
This sausage filler machine comes from one of the world renowned Italian equipment manufactures, Tre Spade. This sausage stuffer machine is designed to make filling your sausage and salami casings...
This sausage filler machine comes from one of the world renowned Italian equipment manufactures, Tre Spade. This sausage stuffer machine is designed to make filling your sausage casings easy and...
This top quality sausage filling machine is designed to make filling your sausage and salami casings easy and hassle free. It can be used for the production of fresh sausages,...
This sausage filler sausage stuffer machine is designed to make filling your sausage and salami casings easy and hassle free. It can be used for the production of fresh sausages,...
This sausage filler sausage stuffer machine is designed to make filling your sausage and salami casings easy and hassle free. It can be used for the production of fresh sausages,...
This electric mincer machine comes from world renowned Italian manufacturer Tre Spade, one of the world’s leading producers of food processing equipment. This electric meat mincer machine has been specially...
This machine comes from world renowned Italian manufacturer Tre Spade, one of the world’s leading producers of food processing equipment. This machine has been specially designed for meat processing with...
Click HERE to see our Sausages Made Simple Book! This electric mincing machine comes from world renowned Italian manufacturer Tre Spade, one of the world’s leading producers of food processing equipment....